Hi! My name is Stephanie Quilao, and I love to nosh. Oh! How I love to snack. When I heard that it is better for your metabolism to eat 6 small meals throughout the day, no one was happier than me. My first memories of noshing pleasure was the graham crackers and milk I used to get in Kindergarten before nap time. Remember those days?
Americans love to nosh. In fact, in 2005 we spent $61 billion on snack foods. Now before you start thinking, "Well no wonder we have an obesity problem," a bigger percentage of all that cash went into healthier snacks because we're becoming more conscious of what we are eating. Personally, I like to nosh on things that do not have anything artificial like trans fats, hydrogenated oils, and artificial sweeteners (okay except for my Diet Coke). I read labels, and if there are ingredients that sound like a chemistry experiment, I no eat.
Here at Noshtopia, I will emphasize nosh that is healthy, natural, organic, and gourmet. As well, we will have some fun here. Food is bonding and entertaining.
Most of the photos in this blog are taken by me with a Nikon D50
. I just started photography this year, and I find that one of the things I love to snap is food. Food makes for good models. They don't have diva demands.
I appreciate your time, and I thank you for visiting. Please enjoy as many of the munchies as you can here.