I don't know about you, but I love that rush of hot that flashes up your nose when you take a bite of some Wasabi on a piece of sushi. It really does feel good when you have a stuffed nose, and since we are smack dab in the middle of cold & flu season, it might be a good time to stock up on some Wasabi.
For starters, Wasabi peas are yummy. Trader Joe's and Whole Foods have their own brands. Personally, I like the Trader Joe's version the best because it's hotter, thus giving you the nice, "Wooooo!" Wasabi peas are also good snacks for cocktail parties in lieu of peanuts. Some folks are sensitive about fat content in their diets, and comparable to nuts, the peas are much lower in the fat. The Wasabi peas are a little bit more exciting too because of the heat.