These Eden Brown Rice Chips are one of my favorite crunchy/salty treats. Two things make these chips awesome.
First, there are only 4 ingredients: brown rice, rice bran oil, nori seaweed and sea salt. They chips are also wheat free and non gluten, as well as free of artificial colors, flavorings or preservatives. Second, one serving is 50 chips for only 150 calories. Now 50 is a whole lotta these chips, and I will usually only eat about 25 chips per sitting. These Brwon Rice Chips also contain per serving 7g of fat, 19g of carbs, and 2g of protein.
I will eat these chips with things like a tuna in pita sandwhich, to dip in spicy hummus, or plain to just satisfy a crunchy/salty jones without killing my calorie take for the day. These Brown Rice Chips are a nice and different alternative to potato or corn based chips.