One reason I love Whole Foods is that the place has opened me up to different worlds of foods like vegan cuisine. Honestly, before Whole Foods I thought vegan was "hippy food" meaning 60's hippie granola eats. Oh yeah, I admit I had a very small, narrow minded view, but now I know better, so live and learn.
I'm an omnivore, but I became more open to trying the vegan friendly foods because a few years ago I got a food allergy test and discovered that I have a slight Type II allergy to cow's milk and eggs. I had to go 30 days without eating anything with these two ingredients, so pretty much that left me with a vegan diet. Nowadays, I can eat dairy foods and eggs but I have to limit my consumption or I pay the price in my bowels. I love food way too much, so I have to get creative and explore more which is cool because it's very fun and informative.
One of my happy vegan discoveries was chocolate cupcakes. I remember the first time I tried a vegan chocolate cupcake at my local Whole Foods very much like this one, and I'm telling you I would never have guessed that the thing had no milk, butter, or eggs in it. The key though was that it was made by someone who has the science down. I've had vegan cupcakes made by people who don't have it down, and yeah, you can tell something is amiss.
Equally, vegan friendly cookies and cakes can be just as delicious as their dairy filled counterparts. One benefit for an omnivore to try vegan foods is to help cut down on your daily fat intake.