I went to a Smart & Final store yesterday, and right on the door as you walk in was this sign notifying customers of a limitation on rice purchase because of the "worldwide rice shortage."
I realize this rice shortage has been in the news quite a bit lately, and there is debate about the subject, but seriously, I find it really hard to believe that there is a shortage of rice in the world. To me, it's like saying we've run out of potatoes.
The shortage stories supposedly have more to do with the rising price of rice rather than an actual physical shortage which means less people can afford to buy rice because of the added expense. In the US, rising rice prices is not as painful yet as something like the rising gas prices.
But in other countries where the economics are not as good, I can see where there could be issue. But still, farmers are still growing crops of rice, and there have been no stories of viruses, plagues, or insects infecting rice supplies. No one has hijacked major rice fields. So, what is causing the physical rice shortage?
I think this is more of a media scare tactic to inflate the prices and create mass rice buying hysteria so the rice people can make more money. But that's the conspiracy theorist in me. How about you all, do you think there truly is a worldwide rice shortage to warrant purchase limitations?