I’m all about holistic healing and so when I heard that Oprah
was doing a 21-day gluten-free vegan cleanse along with kicking booze and sugar,
I was highly intrigued as I too recently completed a 12-day gluten free vegan “Great
Food Reboot Experiment” myself. Oprah was inspired by the book Quantum Wellness
by Kathy Freston. I saw the Oprah episode where Kathy appeared to share some
light on her new book, and then I read the book to see what I could learn.
My review of Quantum Wellness is coming from the perspective of someone who has spent the last 7 years going through my own leap in healing using both traditional western and alternative healing modalities, recovering from date rape, the eating disorder bulimia, a near addiction to alcohol, depression & anxiety (I was on the happy pills) and being 30 pounds overweight. All of this I've written about in my blog Back in Skinny Jeans.
I’ve also gone through my own food transformation eliminating virtually all processed foods and eating mostly organic or home cooked. I’m an omnivore but have also experimented with vegan, vegetarian, and raw diets, as well as going gluten-free. I’ve done detoxes and cleanses as well. And lastly, in those 7 years, I finally left my corporate career in marketing and am pursuing my life purpose work with my own business.
What does my background have to do with this review?
I mention my background only because it will give you a
better understanding of my review and that I have personal experience with quantum healing because while I agreed with a great deal of
the content in Quantum Wellness, there is a significant philosophical difference
in opinion I have about Kathy's view on quantum healing. Now everyone is different, and we all
have different perspectives. What ultimately matters is finding what works best
for your personal situation which is why I highly recommend experimenting. Bottom line is that I agree with Kathy in
that wellness is holistic in body, mind, and spirit. She and I just have a different
view point on how to get there.
The basis to Kathy's Quantum Wellness are eight pillars of wellness:
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