One of my favorite cakes is Pineapple Upside Down. Oh, major yum pleasure! I got some dried unsweetened pineapples and pecans from the bulk foods section at the grocery store, and when I ate them together, it tasted like a Pineapple Upside Down but without the cake. Of course, it's not exactly the same, but pretty darn close my friends. All that was really missing was the cherry.
Health-wise, pecans can help lower cholesterol and your weight because "the mono- and polyunsaturated fats - the "good fats" - in pecans contribute to satiety." Hello, Dr.Oz! Pineapple is loaded with Manganese, Vitamin C, and Bromelain known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory. Also, be sure that the dried pineapple you get was not treated with sulphur dioxide.
If you need a tasty unrefined sweet snack to bring to the office, to the ball game, or to a picnic, bring along some dried pineapples and pecans.