Yes, I know waiting for this blog re-design has taken about as long as preparing Beef Wellington and Turdurken for one sitting. "I'm hungry! When do we get to eat?!" So instead, of putting off the design any longer, we're gonna get back to blogging and worry about the dressing a little later. The point is to get back to chowing vibrantly, so in the meantime, let the food start rolling in.
One change right off the bat is that I will be doing more food product reviews because like many of you I'd like to know if other people enjoyed the product. I particularly want to know about stuff sold in Whole Foods because some of that stuff is very pricey like $8 for a box of wheat crackers. Those suckers better taste like heaven melting in my mouth before I plunk down 2 gallons worth of gas for them. Right?
So enjoy! And as usual, any suggestions, insights, or comments you have, please share.