This is a simple and nice way to make brussels sprouts a little bit more robust side dish. I like to couple this sprouts dish with garlic mashed potatoes.
- 20-25 brussels sprouts (Many stores offer packaged bags, and one bag is about 20 sprouts)
- 2 pieces of turkey bacon cut into small slivers
- 1/2 cup chopped onions
- evoo
- couple pats of butter (optional)
- pepper and salt
I saw these brussels sprouts on the stalk at a farmer's market. I just think they look so cool when the sprouts are still on the stalk.
Let's get cookin'
- Boil the brussels sprouts in a pot of boiling salt water until tender which is about 8-10 minutes. Drain when done.
- In a pan at medium heat, put in about 1Tbsp of evoo and the butter. If you don't use butter, put in a little more evoo
- Throw in the turkey bacon and the onions
- Cook until the onions are a caramel color
- Toss in the brussles sprouts and pepper, and mix around for about a minute. Taste one of the sprouts. The bacon juice will add some salt, but if it's not enough, add just a tiny bit more salt.
- Remove from pan and put into a lovely serving dish.