I think a funny sequel to the Wedding Crashers movie would be for the guys to go broke because of the financial crisis, so then they have to come up with ways to eat for free or next to nothing. Can you imagine what Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson would do to get some grub for nada? Here's what I would guess, and ya know, one might have done some of these for real {wink}.
- Besides crashing weddings and funerals, there's crashing events at your local community center, company functions that are held in big back rooms of restaurants, tradeshow after parties, or buffet picnics in the park. Crash a fashion show as you can eat what the fashionistas won't. There is a micro-brewery near my house that has a big back room with pool tables and it is often booked for company events. One time I walked in a private party, acted like I belonged there, and hung out by the buffet. No one questioned my being there.
- Ask for food gift cards for your next birthday.
- Say yes to meeting people who are trying to sell you stuff like vendors, real estate agents, PR people, or ad sales people. Suggest that you meet at a food place like a Panera because these people will have no problem buying you a sandwich for your time to listen to a pitch. It's a write off to them anyway.
- Dumpster diving. I know. I know. Ew! But did you see that Freegan episode on Oprah. Oh yeah, you'd be amazed at what kind of foods are thrown away that are still boxed, in good shape, and not even past the expiration date.
- Find bars with happy hours that serve food. If you can get a plate of chicken wings and quesadilla pieces for just the price of a spritzer or beer, wouldn't you? Your best bet are the bars at the nicer hotels as often they put out food to keep their hotel guests happy and coming back. You can just pretend you're staying at the hotel. If you're single, you just might even meet someone "special."
- My local Whole Foods have "Live at 5" where the food samples are galore. It's better than happy hour. Or sometimes, I'll just walk through the store and sample whatever I can get my hands on. Trader Joe's also has their tasting table, so you know, I've had no shame doing 2-3 swing-bys.
- Got any friends who are Filipino, Italian, Greek, or Latin? Tell their mama you've been losing weight because you can't afford to eat. Mama will be sure to fatten you up mighty quick.
- Become a food blogger. You'd be amazed how many companies will send you "samples" of their foods or coupons for free food for a review. I've gotten free appetizers and desserts at restaurants when they see me photographing their food, and I tell them I'm a food blogger.
- Volunteer to babysit for a few hours over a meal time. You'd be amazed how grateful parents are when you offer to watch their kid(s) over a lunch or dinner hour. The parents ALWAYS ask you, "What do you want to eat. I'll get ya whatever you're up for." I'll ask for Chinese or salads.
- Arrange a bunch of lunch or dinner dates from online dating services. This tactic usually works better for women because hey most guys are happy to just be out with a friendly reciprocating woman. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying sometimes you gotta use what ya got when you're stomach is growling. Besides, movie Vince Vaughn would do it.
So, although times are tough, there are still many creative ways to eat. What are some ways you've been able to eat for free or next to nothing?