This is my first official week reporting on my weaning from sugar overload. We're going sugar little. After doing some journaling, I discovered that I was eating about 80g of sugar a day. The American Heart Association recommends about 25g a day, so that is the goal I'm shooting for.
The Inner Resistance Monster joins the party
Of course, the second I say I want to "cut back" or "eliminate" something, the Inner Resistance Monster kicks into gear and goes, "Oh no sister! We will have none of that denial stuff." So what happens, I start craving more of the thing I want to cut back on. In this case, last week I became obsessed with baked goods and chocolate because hello it was Valentine's day week and of course chocolate was on display and on sale everywhere.
Note to self: Never start a sugar weaning venture the week of Valentines.
I would stand in front of desert counters and just drool at the rows upon rows of delightful sugary deserts. One time the sugar craving was so consuming, I felt like slamming my face into the glass case and start licking the glass as if somehow I could get just one tasty lick of the pineapple upside down mini cake or the dark chocolate eclair. I felt like a full on sugar junkie in need of sugahab because yeah, there are times where chocolate is like crack to me.
Fortunately, I'd rather not humiliate myself at least in public and was able to maintain social decorum. Good thing people can't see your thoughts. If so, the baker would surely have called Security on me.
First big small test: The drink choice
Despite my constant need to just go gawk at baked goods this week, I did manage to make one small choice that was actually a huge one in my head. Remember, I'm all about the tiny actions which I find helps me the most.
Friend Huong and I had lunch at Oakville Grocery. We ordered sandwiches and went to the drink aisle for refreshments. Now, what I really wanted was this sparkling lemonade drink which had 29g of sugar in that one bottle which is over the AHA goal of 25g/day.
I was seriously jonesing for this lemonade and even held it in my hand for a moment just thinking, "Ah screw it! I'll start the sugar wean...tomorrow." Ok, how many times have we done that before?
But then, my inner health guru chimed in and offered a compromise, "I realize you want a sweet drink very badly. Before buying the lemonade, take a look to see if there is another drink that has sugar but less than the amount in the lemonade." The voice of compromise. I love it!
I ended up getting a bottle of Cranberry Lemonade Iced Tea which only had 12g of sugar per bottle. I got some sweet plus lemonade flavor. It was win/win and I felt very satisfied and proud of myself for this move. It's the beginning choices that are really the hardest because you're still in the old habit mode.
I didn't feel like I was deprived or that I had lost out which is very important for me to make lifestyle changes that stick long term. Diet mentality tends to make me feel that way. Even though I may choose the apple what I really wanted was the apple fritter, and even though I made the better health choice, part of me still feels deprived instead of fulfilled.
I believe the key in the success of this simple drink choice was that I still got some sugar but just less of it versus none at all. Lemon flavored mineral water would have felt like I was "dieting." The cranberry lemonade iced tea was sugary at 12g but just way less than the lemonade drink I originally chose at 29g.
So that was my week. How did your week go in the sugar wean?