It's St. Patrick's Day and instead of writing about what I did last week in the going sugar little effort, I thought I would do something sweet for all of you. The idea was inspired by @SarahElizD.
Here's a wallpaper you can use on your iPhone or you can just print it out and stick it anywhere you need some motivation to help you stay on your sugar weaning ventures. The model of this card follows the theme of my iPhone app: Back in Skinny Jeans: 25 Motivational Nudges to Help You On Your Weight Loss Journey.
As you know, and I can attest with those of you weaning off the sugar, it sure ain't easy especially when you have the emotional attachments to sugar like I do.
So the theme of this card is to take the action to go and do something that feels sweet to you like hug someone or tell someone you love them versus eating something sweet like cupcakes or Ginger-O's in my case, to help you feel like you have sweetness in your life. This tiny action can help start you breaking the ties of using food as an emotional coping mechanism.
We're all about the tiny actions are better than zero here!...So how's your sugar weaning week been going?