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[View the story "What's Happening with GMO Foods?" on Storify]What's Happening with GMO Foods?April 22,2012 editionStorified by Stephanie Quilao · Mon, Apr 23 2012 03:05:44Tell the USDA to Keep Agent Orange Corn off Your Plate!http://bit.ly/HO4SxX @food_democracy Please RT No #AgentOrange #GMOsGeanncarlo LugoShould We Care about GMOs?60 to 80 percent of processed food in local American grocery stores contain genetically modified ingredients, making GMOs a big concern f...Hungary Destroys All Its Monsanto GMO Corn Fields. http://bit.ly/wKNtMr #Monsanto #gmosThe Therapy BookHouse panel OKs GMO labeling bill, but with a caveatThe bill comes out of committee as the 2012 legislative session is in its final weeks. The legislation would need approval from the House..."Elephant Nose" Sniffs for Genetically Modified Stuff in Your Food - TechnabobGenetically-modified foods are becoming more common as world crop production falls while the population continues to balloon. Scientists ...Will Vermont Cave to Monsanto or Lead the Way?Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin is hesitating on his support for a bill that would mandate labeling genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ...
Storified by Stephanie Quilao · Mon, Apr 23 2012 03:05:44
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